如何阅读文献(how to read a paper)

如何阅读文献(how to read a paper)

three-pass method for reading research papers:

researchers 阅读paper的原因:
  • review them for a conference or a class
  • keep current in their field
  • for a literature survey of a new field

key idea: read the paper in up to three passes, instead of starting at the beginning and plowing your way to the end

Each pass完成特定目标并建立在前一次阅读的基础之上:
  • first pass: give you a general idea about the paper
  • second pass: grasp the paper's content,but not its detail
  • third pass: understand the paper in depth

The first pass:
目的:a quick scan to get a bird's-eye view of the paper.
耗时:five to ten minutes
  • carefully read the title, abstract, and introduction
  • read the section and sub-section headings, but ignore everything else
  • read the conclusions
  • glance over the references, mentally ticking off the ones you've already read 浏览一下参考文献,在心里把你已经读过的文献勾出来
  1. Category: what type of paper is this? A measurement paper? An analysis of an existing system? A description of a research prototype?
  2. Context: Which other papers is it related to? which theoretical bases were used to analyze the problem?
  3. Correctness: Do the assumptions appear to be valid?
  4. Contributions: What are the paper's main contributions?
  5. Clarity: Is the paper well written?

使用此信息,你可以选择不进一步阅读。这可能是因为你对这篇论文不感兴趣,或者你对这一领域了解不够,无法理解这篇论文,或者作者做出了无效的假设。first pass对于那些不在你研究领域的论文来说已经足够了,但是有一天可能会被证明是相关的。

顺便说一句,当你写论文时,你可以预期大多数reviewers(和readers)只会完成first pass。注意选择连贯的章节和小节标题,并写出简明全面的摘要。如果一个审稿人看了一遍后还是不能理解文章的主旨,那么它很可能会被退稿;如果一个读者在五分钟后不能理解文章的要点,那么他很可能永远都不会读到这篇文章。

The second pass:
方法:read the paper with greater care, but ignore details such as proofs
耗时:take up to an hour最多一小时
  • grasp the content of the paper, summarize the main thrust of the paper, with supporting evidence, to someone else
  • help you to jot down the key points, or to make comments in the margins, as you read
This level of detail is appropriate for a paper in which you are interested, but does not lie in your research speciality.

  1. Look carefully at the figures, diagrams and other illustrations in the paper. Pay special attention to graphs. Are the axes properly labeled? Are results shown with error bars, so that conclusions are statistically significant? Common mistakes like these will separate rushed, shoddy work from the truly excellent.仔细看paper里的图表和其他插图。特别注意图表。坐标轴有正确的标记吗?是否用误差条显示结果,从而使结论具有统计学意义?像这样的常见错误会将仓促、粗制滥造的工作与真正优秀的工作区分开。
  2. Remember to mark relevant unread references for further reading (this is a good way to learn more about the background of the paper). 记住标记相关的未读参考文献以供进一步阅读(这是了解论文背景的好方法)。

有时候你可能阅读完第二次依旧不理解一篇paper, 这可能是因为主题对你来说很新,有不熟悉的术语和缩写。或者作者可能会使用一种你不理解的证明或实验技术,因此文章的大部分内容是无法理解的。这篇论文可能写得很差,断言没有根据,还有大量的前向参考文献。或者只是因为时间太晚了,你很累。你可以选择:(a) 把论文放在一边,希望你不需要理解这些材料就能在你的职业生涯中获得成功,(b) 之后再回到论文,可能是在阅读了背景材料后或(c)坚持下去,继续进行third pass。

The third pass:
key to the third pass: attempt to virtually re-implement the paper: that is, making the same assumptions as the authors, re-create the work.
By comparing this re-creation with the actual paper, you can easily identify not only a paper’s innovations, but also its hidden failings and assumptions.

  • identify and challenge every assumption in every statement
  • think about how you yourself would present a particular idea 想想你自己会如何表达一个特定的想法
    • 这种实际的和虚拟的比较提供了对论文中的证明和演示技术的敏锐洞察力,你很可能会将其添加到自己的工具库中
  • During this pass, you should also jot down ideas for future work. 这次阅读,你还应该记下未来工作的想法。

耗时: about four or five hours for beginners, and about an hour for an experienced reader
  • be able to reconstruct the entire structure of the paper from memory, as well as be able to identify its strong and weak points
  • In particular, you should be able to pinpoint implicit assumptions, missing citations to relevant work, and potential issues with experimental or analytical techniques.


在做 literature survey时很考验paper reading skills,这个过程中你需要阅读数十篇论文,或许还在一个不熟悉的领域。What papers should you read?
1.first pass:
  • use an academic search engine such as Google Scholar or CiteSeer and some well-chosen keywords to find three to five recent papers in the area.
  • Do one pass on each paper to get a sense of the work, then read their related work sections. You will find a thumbnail summary of the recent work, and perhaps, if you are lucky, a pointer to a recent survey paper. If you can find such a survey, you are done. Read the survey, congratulating yourself on your good luck.
2.second pass:
  • find shared citations and repeated author names in the bibliography. These are the key papers and researchers in that area. Download the key papers and set them aside.
  • Then go to the websites of the key researchers and see where they’ve published recently. That will help you identify the top conferences in that field because the best researchers usually publish in the top conferences.
3.third pass:
  • go to the website for these top conferences and look through their recent proceedings. A quick scan will usually identify recent high-quality related work. These papers, along with the ones you set aside earlier, constitute the first version of your survey.
  • Make two passes through these papers. If they all cite a key paper that you did not find earlier, obtain and read it, iterating as necessary.

在过去的15年里,作者( S. Keshav) 一直使用这种方法来阅读会议记录、撰写评论、做背景研究,并在discussion之前快速review论文。这种训练有素的方法让作者在鸟瞰之前不会沉浸在细节中,它可以让作者估算出review一组论文所需要的时间。此外,作者可以根据需要和多少时间来调整paper evaluation的深度。

原文提到的参考文献:2020 Beijing,snowy
[1] S. Peyton Jones, “Research Skills,” http://research.microsoft.com/ simonpj/Papers/givinga-talk/giving-a-talk.htm.
[2] T. Roscoe, “Writing Reviews for Systems Conferences,” http://people.inf.ethz.ch/troscoe/pubs/reviewwriting.pdf.
[3] H. Schulzrinne, “Writing Technical Articles,” http://www.cs.columbia.edu/ hgs/etc/writingstyle.html.
[4] G.M. Whitesides, “Whitesides’ Group: Writing a Paper,” http://www.che.iitm.ac.in/misc/dd/writepaper.pdf.
该链接已过期,这个链接可以找到 https://www.tulane.edu/~lamp/whiteside.pdf
[5] ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Online, http://www.sigcomm.org/ccr/drupal/.

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